When Mary gave birth to Jesus, she was a first-time mother; and regardless of the miraculous circumstances of the birth of Jesus, she must have experienced what every first-time mother goes through.

She was engaged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was visited by an angel who told her that, though she was a virgin, she would conceive and give birth to the son of God through a miracle. This announcement must have left her with shock and wonder; she must have been in a lot of distress wondering how she would break these news to her lover, Joseph. Indeed, had the angel not intervened in

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In today’s information age lesser and lesser time is being spent in and with nature, leading to conditions and ailments that did not exist a few decades ago. These conditions and ailments have been described by Richard Louv as Nature Deficit Disorders or NDDs in his book entitled, “The Nature Principle”.

When deliberate effort is made to look to nature, it’s beauty and wisdom in the simple and the ordinary becomes clearly evident. Nature gives messages and lessons that are most times taken for granted. It also has some inherent healing properties which help to improve one’s health, happiness and overall well being.

What if humanity was like the sun, which rises early, and does not get late to set? All humanity would get out of bed early and would not go to bed late. Is that not a great lesson from nature? What if it was like the moon and the stars, which shine and

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In her novel entitled ‘Sense and Sensibility’, Jane Austen once said, “When I fall in love, it will be forever”. She must have been envisioning a situation where she would meet a person who will inspire her to love with her every sense; smell, taste, sight, touch, and heart. She must have been visualizing her life beginning and ending with that person.

Being in love, as in Jane Austen’s dream, awakens two souls and leads them to want to spend the rest of their life together, and to start that ‘rest of their life’, which is otherwise called marriage, matrimony or wedlock, as soon as possible.

Be that as it may, Jane Austen evidently did not know

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