On my mind is the deliberate self-inflicted pain that arises from my lapsed memory or amnesia; case in mind being when I fall into the temptation of aggressively pulling out the skin flakes or peels that form around the finger nails after a long period of absence.

Apart from having forgotten the inundating pain of last time, falling into the temptation of picking these flakes is accelerated by

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Recent reports that, “Kenya’s rain was stuck in Tanzania” bring nostalgic memories of weather reports back when the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) was the only TV station in the country.

Unlike currently when they seem to have put their act together, many were the moments in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s when the weatherman would give ‘non-specific forecasts’, plunging many people into confusion.

The predictions, which seemed to be the same day-in-day-out would be like:

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