On my mind is monogamy, which means bonding and mating with a single partner. This is inspired by Kirk’s Dik-diks (Madoqua kirkii), which are one of the four species of Dik-dik antelopes and are native to East Africa; they can occasionally be seen in the bushes as one approaches Lake Bogoria and in Lake Nakuru…Continue Reading “Till Death The Antelope Way”
On my mind is a lady that I met searching for something inside her handbag, most probably her house keys since she was outside a door. The search was so furious that I couldn’t mind my own business any longer. When I approached her, I smiled and said, “zitapatikana tu”. She gave me an awkward, but beautiful smile.
As I passed, I couldn’t help noticing the contents of the bag since they were strewn all over on the ground, and more were still flying off the bag.
I can now confirm the “Big Bag” theory or myth that a ladies handbag is bottomless. It is a bag of wonders, secrets and mystery, considering that she had not finished turning the bag upside down and inside out by the time she was out of my sight, *since I kept looking back to appreciate the beauty and monitor, evaluate and gauge progress of the recovery efforts*.
This got my tiny brain to think that these search and recovery or rescue missions can be made much easier and faster if designers of these bags became a little bit more creative.
Continue Reading "To Handbag Designers – A Plea For Extra Creativity"My Dear the undervalued, the under-privileged,
the less fortunate or the neglected in society:
Yes, I know
I know that you’ve gone hungry and thirsty;
I know that you don’t have enough clothes
to keep warm;
I know that you’ve been mistreated
by humanity;
I know that you have no roof over your head
I know that you have been sick;
I know that you have been in prison
because of no fault of your own;
and I also know that you don’t know
what love is.
The ‘Blind Spots’ of the human body form one of the four quadrants of the ‘Johari Window’, and can be described as those areas where a person’s view is obstructed. The Blind Spot is the space that is unknown to yourself, but known to others.
The other three quadrants are: the ‘Open Space’, which is the space that is known to one and also known to others; the ‘Hidden Area’, which is the space that is known to oneself, but unknown to others; and, the ‘Unknown Area’, which is the space that is unknown to oneself, and also unknown to others.
Coming back to the Blind Spots, they need extra care all the time, especially because
Continue Reading "Blindspots of the Human Body – Quadrants Of The Johari Window"On my mind is the dream
which has continued to lead me on
to my definition of prosperity;
which to me is that limitlessly pure,
boundlessly sparkling, endlessly beautiful,
unalterably warm, perfectly glorious,
peacefully vibrant and faultlessly welcoming
bright, blue sky.
The dream leads me on despite efforts,
to hold me back,
to criticize my every decision,
to belittle my achievements,
to change my mind,
to change my heart’s desires.
It doesn’t matter that the skeptics
never try to understand my journey,
never try to understand
There is hope at last that the agony that my ilk, the bespectacled, have to contend with when they are forced to walk in the rain is soon coming to an end; the agony is worsened by the fact that the rains are so unpredictable these days, most probably due to climate change. The rain droplets form a series of streaks on the glasses that makes it difficult for one to see.
Coupled to this is the traumatic experience of segregation, neglect, marginalization, kuonewa, and kubaguliwa, that the scientific humanity and modern society has accorded us for the longest time.
We can’t wait for these scientists to invent water repellant glasses; or
Continue Reading "There Is Hope That Us The Bespectacled Will Comfortably Walk In The Rain"Today, I encountered an adult male dog with a golden coloured coat, but without a tail. It is tailless because some person mutilated or cut it off just to please the ego. We quickly became friends and I named him ‘Mkia Ngûtû, a name which he seemed to love; he most probably named me ‘Masho Ine’ in return.
Following the encounter ten flashes came to mind:
One, it must have been a very painful experience for the poor canine at that fateful moment when it saw its tail unjustly dismembered and before the ensuing wound healed. Animals should be treated humanely. They possess feelings and senses too, just like humans.
Two, because of that ruthless action, Mkia Ngûtû cannot show emotions anymore since
Continue Reading "Love-Hate Moments With My Close Relative"Oh how nostalgic the moments when I remember the Christmas eve during my younger days way back yonder.
On Christmas eve, a few people would meet in the house which was furthest from the local Church at 8.00pm and sing a Christmas Carol or two, then pray and finally collect gifts for charity.
People in the homestead would stand in their doorway, smiling and would sometimes sing too.They would thereafter join the Carolers as they went to the next homestead.
Needless to say,
Continue Reading "Nostalgia From The Christmas Eve Of My Youth"I am suddenly so ecstatic that I now understand the excitement of Archimedes when he shot out of his bathroom naked and ran through the streets of Syracuse while shouting “Eureka, Eureka”, just because he had discovered the ‘Law of Floatation, or Buoyancy’.
The excitement stems from the discovery that, though some adults are short while others are tall, we are all approximately the same height from the seated buttocks to the top of the head, otherwise called the ‘sitting height’.
That’s why in a public space such as in a hall, church, matatu or stadium almost all seem to be of the same height when seated.
On my mind is the deliberate self-inflicted pain that arises from my lapsed memory or amnesia; case in mind being when I fall into the temptation of aggressively pulling out the skin flakes or peels that form around the finger nails after a long period of absence.
Apart from having forgotten the inundating pain of last time, falling into the temptation of picking these flakes is accelerated by
Continue Reading "The Cuticle And My Short Memory"