For prodding the mind often
to remind my lips
to speak forth Your praise;
I thank You, Lord.
For navigating my hands
to perform Your bidding
even when I feel lonely,
downtrodden, hopeless
and weighed down;
Nib of the Oozing Quill
Articles focusing on general lifestyle
For prodding the mind often
to remind my lips
to speak forth Your praise;
I thank You, Lord.
For navigating my hands
to perform Your bidding
even when I feel lonely,
downtrodden, hopeless
and weighed down;
As a background, human communication has undergone tremendous developments in the past 30 years. It started with the Internet, and was followed closely by the smartphone and social media; three modes of communication that completely changed the information ecosystem and how we understand and interpret events.
Then, just as we were getting used to engaging them in our daily life, Synthetic Medium was born 3-4 years ago.
Synthetic Medium relies on the ability of artificial intelligence and the use of special effects to synthetically create fake videos and audios that look and sound so authentic that it is not possible to realize that they’re not real. It takes advantage of the fact that we as humans are
Continue Reading "Synthetic Medium – A Blessing Or A Curse" →How sweet it is to relish
the radiant side of life only
and to continue to cruise joyously
on the path to my horizon.
Just like the Saints did.
How gratifying it is to savour
the goodness in everything I see
and to continue to relish
the awesomeness of my friends,
family, colleagues, and neighbours.
Just like the wildebeest.
How endearing it is to angelically fly high
to the comfort zone,
I don’t know what your stresses are in life;
material things may seem inadequate,
your could be having health issues,
your job or business may seem unfulfilling.
But instead of looking at what you lack,
what you’ve missed,
what you’ve lost, and
Yes, I know, …..I know, … I know;
that though I may live in a house,
I don’t live there.
I live in my mind.
Yes, my mind is my permanent residence.
In my mind, unlike in my house,
there are no restrictions
regarding the size of the rooms.
It’s a huge space with limitless capacity.
And believe it or not;
no matter how neat my premises are,
life becomes good for me
I want to be that man who catches your eye; the one who makes your heart race every time our eyes meet; I want to be the man who prods you to check your makeup in the mirror, paint those beautiful lips and pray that one day you’ll not only get close to me but…Continue Reading “The Man I Want To Be” →
Like a book, is made up of a series of Chapters, which have been written by a pen whose ink was my feelings, words, thoughts, actions, non-actions, choices, character development and relationships. The Chapters are different though overlapping; and each Chapter influences the others; each successful ending of one Chapter is followed by an exciting…Continue Reading “My Journey Through Life” →
Yes, I know that I forgot
what I was sent to buy this morning;
I know that I even misplaced the money,
but I won’t let that dim my joy
as I go home this evening.
It won’t dim my joy because
my day was full of undiluted, free-spirited,
and innocent happiness.
Photo Credit: Photographer Unknown to me
Yes, Yes, I know that
the livestock that I was grazing
How safe are we when the phones in our pockets take note of wherever we go; whatever we do; whomever we meet; and which, when, and how we meet them. It seems that our behavior is now accurately monitored, surveilled, and predicted. It all began with someone’s dream of a connected world; a space where…Continue Reading “The Internet of Things” →
You, yes You;
you are the only you
in the entire universe;
the only you,
of all time.
Never before was,
and never again will,
there be another you.
You’ve got talents
and abilities
that are uniquely yours.
No matter
what you think of yourself,
there is someone
who depends on you only.
Your strength is
the strength they rely on.