What if wintervisits Kenya next year,with its long chilly and frosty days!!Will it find us ready? With heated systemsto allow transport, with adequate firewoodto heat houses, and enough stocks oftuna, water, and groceries. What if it,what if it comes; comes with snow,falling like glitter, and trees slumberwith leaves shed to conserve nutrients. Will it find…Continue Reading “Climate Change Seems Real”

Life flies past as we raise our children.
They become young adults within no time,
before we know it.

Simultaneously as the children
were growing up,
there have been events,
environments and practices
that have molded us along the way;
a concoction borne of experiences
and memories that have made us
into what we have become;
and that vaguely remind us
how we got here, even if the details
have blurred out with time.

The memories remind us that,
even as age continues
to catch up with us,
we are nothing more than

Continue Reading "Where do We the Parents Stop, and Our Children Begin?"

We may think it’s the end of the world because:
we were treated wrong,
we were conned,
we became incapacitated,
we’re tired, sick, hungry,
we’re harassed and molested,
we feel lonely and dejected,
we’re living with a disability,
nothing seems to be working for us,
and so on and so forth.

And so we beat ourselves up,
we put ourselves down,
we belittle ourselves,
we get depressed,
we even want to take our own lives.

Continue Reading "Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE)"

Kenya, my captivating land,
with over forty two tribes and subtribes;
each of which is unique,
but are all united in one common bond,
working together in harmony
and interacting in all spheres of life
to provide services at the work place,
be it catering, health, entertainment,
housing, tourism, hospitality,
transportation, or education.

Kenya, my irresistible land,
where the Swahili; in all majesty,
gave away their language
to not only be made
Kenya’s national language,
but also to be an official language
of many countries
in East Africa and beyond.

Kenya, my spectacular land,
where tourists come to bathe in the warm,
wild and free atmosphere,
where communities which have

Continue Reading "Kenya, The Land Of My Birth"

There’s sad news any time, all the time;
news of a kidnapping here, a murder there;
a divorce here, orphans there;
an accident here, a hungry soul there;
a street child here, a prostitute there;
a rape here, a suicide there;
cattle rustling here, tribal clashes there;
political violence here, domestic violence there;
and so on, and so forth ad infinitum.

What is sad, though, is that
when misfortunes strike,
humanity is most often indifferent.
The people who get hurt in the process,
are left to their own devices;
humanity refuses to acknowledge that
the victims are somebody’s someone.

All of humanity is going through hard times, I know,
and life’s not meant to be easy.
It’s meant to be lived;
sometimes happy, but other times rough;
as everybody works hard to be somebody,
and to be somebody to someone.

Everybody is somebody’s someone;

Continue Reading "Everybody Is Somebody’s Someone"

Dear son, always be contented regardless of how much you earn; you will always have people who earn more than you.

You see; I am now an old man who you call a junior or subordinate staff, and I am proud of it; but in my working life I have had bosses who earned many times more than me, but when they invite me to their houses, I find the same furniture that are in mine. The only difference is how we got them; they bought theirs in elegant shops, while mine were made by a carpenter at a pace, and price, I could afford
from timber obtained from a tree I felled in my rural home. And I can bet that my furniture is stronger than theirs because I know, unlike them, every single piece that went into it.

When they invite me, we eat ugali just like what my family partakes; the only difference is

Continue Reading "The Paradox Of Life – Advice From An Elder"

Out of the wilderness,
sprouted a wild flower
which chose to bloom
despite the rough weather;
holding on to every drop of rain
and with the gorgeous smile
openly revealing all her colours.

With her cute, angelic body
and the black, dense but soft hair
saluting the heavens,
she makes miracles
look like child’s play;
exuding life on the outside
as she hides in the dry red soil
that surrounds her.

Continue Reading "The Mesmerizing Marvell"

On my mind is “me”

The me
who feels under the weather sometimes,
whose age is now showing,
who is slower than before,
and who is rougher at the edges;
but it’s just the same me.

It’s the same me
who was your schoolmate,
college mate, and is now your workmate
and friend.

It’s the same me
who played with you growing up;
who is your husband, brother, father, son,
cousin, uncle, and granddad.

This me, I know,
has had flaws, scars, and insecurities;
has not been perfect,
has said

Continue Reading "Me"

On my mind are those of us folks who were born in the nineteen fifties and sixties: We, thankfully, got an education in the sixties, seventies, and extending into the eighties, the latter period of which was interspersed with moments of leisure. This was followed by a period of stabilization and getting wiser, somewhat. The…Continue Reading “What A Full Life It Has Been For The Baby Boomer Generation”