I can’t see,
I am blind to sight
but see I do too, though in darkness.
I see my bright vision
that no one can dim.
I am lame, but I walk too,
with a little bit of assistance;
I pace towards my heart’s desires.
I am the way I am,
and I love me.
I can’t hear,
I am deaf to sounds and noise,
but in silence, I hear so clearly
what my creator has destined
for me to achieve.
I am dumb,
I can’t speak audibly
but speaking, I do
using visual gestures and signs.
I am the way I am
and I love me.
I can see,
but only when there’s light;
I can walk by myself;
My ears hear everything;
I can speak out what’s on my mind.
I am the way I am
and I love me.
Though I am tall, dark, and good-looking,
I am old, and feeble, with curves, edges and
folds that must be tucked in.
I am plus-sized, I have a pot for a belly,
and I have well-endowed legs.
That’s the way I look
and I love me.
Though I am short, light-skinned, and beautiful;
I am young and energetic;
lean, athletic, and bony;
I have thin legs, flat calves;
and a flat for a tummy
That’s the way I look
and I love me.
Though I am independent and not inclined
to any predetermined point of view:
Though I am flexible, spontaneous,
and like to go with the flow;
That’s just the way I think;
and I love me.
Though I am most often an emotional mess;
I cry when I am happy and laugh
when I should be crying;
and I need support to deal with my emotions.
Though I am emotionally more composed
able to control my feelings
and deal with them rationally;
That’s just the way I feel;
and I love me.
I love the way I love, you see.
I love everything and anything
that seems genuine
That’s just the way I love;
and I love me.
Do not try to make me
feel like less of a person,
just because I don’t fit
into your idea of how I should
be, look, think, feel, and love.
If I am as proud of my imperfections
as I love my perfections,
why should you not
celebrate my perfect imperfections too?