His amazing grace ………
Grace is when
God gives us good things
that we don’t deserve.
Thank You Lord
for Your grace,
which empowers me
to endure trial, resist temptation,
love the enemies,
pray for those who persecute,
and to forgive.
His unending mercies …….
Mercy is when
God spares us
from bad things we deserve.
Thank You Lord
for Your pity, compassion,
and kindness toward me
when I deserve punishment;
but You withhold a just condemnation,
and blesses me instead;
Thank You for Your mercies,
which are new every morning.
His uncountable blessings …….
Blessings are when
God is generous
with both grace and mercy.
Thank You Lord, for
great is Your wisdom and power,
great is Your love and joy;
great is Your peace and patience;
great is Your kindness and goodness;
great is Your faithfulness;
great is Your gentleness; and,
great is Your countless blessings on me.
Because of Your awesomeness,
I can smile
not because I am
stronger than my problems,
but because You, my God,
my designer and my moulder,
are stronger than my problems.
How wonderful You are!!!!